Best Children’s Day Gift for Children in Remote Areas Centralized Kitchens for Better School LunchesAnnounced Date:2021-05-24
"Read" for the skies! MOE's Community Libraries in Schools Program Cultivates a Habit of ReadingAnnounced Date:2021-05-12
Media Literacy Education in Elementary and Junior High Schools to Enhance Critical Thinking in the Digital AgeAnnounced Date:2021-04-26
Creating a Self-directed Learning space with Audio-visual Teaching Equipment for the Upgrading of the Learning EnvironmentAnnounced Date:2021-04-16
K12EA Curriculum Centers develop Learning Process Framework as a visual representation of subject curriculaAnnounced Date:2021-03-26
High School Libraries Double as Community Libraries with Support from the Ministry of EducationAnnounced Date:2021-03-22
Vocational Education Strengthening Connections with Industry : Marine Engineering Department of NTKMFVH Collaborates with Yacht Industry to Enhance Students’ Workplace ExperienceAnnounced Date:2021-02-18
K-12 Education Administration Holds NPDL and New Curriculum Guidelines Workshop to Assist Senior High Schools with Interdisciplinary Transition and Deep LearningAnnounced Date:2021-02-08
National Jhuolan Senior High School Brought in Drones to Cultivate Talents for Popular IndustriesAnnounced Date:2021-01-20
Transport subsidies for schools in non-mountainous and non-urban regions closing the divide between urban and rural schoolsAnnounced Date:2020-12-25